Al Ameen Medical College in Bijapur was started during the month of September, 1984 under the aegis of Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Khan, the Founder of Al-Ameen Movements. It is affiliated to the Rajiv Gandhi Health Universities, Bangalore.
Al Ameen Medical College has started Post Graduate courses in various disciplines of Medical Sciences which are also recognized by MCI. The Management and the staff of the Al-Ameen Medical College are looking forward to make the institution as one of the best medical institution of our country. Al Ameen Medical College - Bijapur provides Diploma, Bachelor Degree and Master Degree to the students.
Procedure of admission under management quota to MBBS :-
a) Applications are invited by the trust for admisson every year in the last week of April
b) Written entrance examination is held in the month of July
c) Viva is conducted also in July
d) A merit list is prepared by adding the marks of XII Std obtained in PCB and the marks of the written test and the marks of the viva.
Al Ameen Medical College is located at Bijapur, Karnataka. Library has two units - one for undergraduate students and other for postgraduate students. It has separate sections for students, staff books, periodicals, back volumes, Magazine & News papers and internet; it caters the need of students & teaching faculties by providing national and International journals & books in all the disciplines. There are 9500 text and reference books 1800 back volumes of nearly 120 journals. It is also linked with Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Bangalore, in providing nearly 300 online e-journals. The Internet facilities are provided for students and facilities to update their knowledge.
Athani Road,
Karnataka - 586108, India
Phone:+91 83 52 270113