Indira Institute of Management is affiliated to University of Pune and Recognized by A.I.C.T.E & Accredited by National Board by accreditation, New Delhi. It was the first management institute in Maharashtra to receive the accreditation from the NBA, New Delhi. The Institutes have received accreditation from various certifying bodies.
Indira Institute of Management is ranked amongst the top 2 B-schools in Pune, by the prestigious AIMA - IMJ. Business India has also ranked the institute amongst the top 3 in Pune for last 2 years..
The Institute offers two year full time MBA & PGDM Courses. The admission of MBA program is through Common Entrance Test (MHT-CET) conducted By Directorate of Technical Education (DTE).
The MBA program of Indira Institute of Management Pune IIMP is affiliated to University of Pune. The admissions to same are done as per rules & regulations framed by the Directorate of Technical Education, Mumbai (DTE), time to time .
The details of various dates (schedules) are published by them in their information brochure as well as available on their website Interested candidates must regularly visit the DTE website for eligibility, procedure & participation in the Common Admission Process also referred as CAP.
Candidates are advised to, do their registration for the GD/PI online with DTE, submit preferences of Institutes, and get documents verification done at designation ARC centers allotted by DTE.
After the GD/PI and the students’ preferences the DTE will be putting up the merit list. Candidate will get admission to a suitable college as per his/ her merit and the preferences filled. Our Institute is a part of CAP process and candidates desirous to get admission at our institute may give us as their preference. However please note that the allotments (Round Wise) are done by DTE.
Eligibility of PGDM :-
A candidate is declared eligible for PGDM Courses, if he/she has passed the degree examination of a recognized university with a minimum of 50% marks and minimum 45% marks for backward class candidates from anywhere in India. Such candidate’s application must be accompanied with relevant caste certificates and non-creamy layer certificates at the time of confirming the admission. Absence of such certificates at the time of submitting the Admission application forms for admission to the course disqualifies them from reserved category seats, and such candidates will be considered for open/general category. Final year degree students, who have not received their result will be allowed to appear for the admission process, provided at the time of taking admission they have a certificate from their college/university about being a final year student awaiting result.
85/5-A, “TAPASYA”,
New Pune-Mumbai Highway,
Pune – 411 033
Tel. No. (020) 66739862, 22933279 – 84, 66759400.
Fax No. (020) 22934126, Toll-Free No. 18002094332
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