• B E (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)

  • The institute also offers B.E.in Electrical & Electronics Engineering which is a 4 year duration course. It was established in the year 1984 with an intake upto 120 seats.

    Fees :
  • Syllabus

    Syllabus of the course will be provided only at the time of admission.

  • Eligibility

    A pass in H.Sc. (Acadmic with Maths, Physics and Chemistry) (or)
    A pass in H.Sc. (Vocational Stream in any one of the Vocational courses listed hereunder with the related subject noted against each course. (or) Diploma in any one of the courses. (or)
    Any other equivalent qualification approved by the State Board of Technical Education / Higher Secondary Board of Tamilnadu. Candidates belonging to communities other than SC/ST should have passed the qualifying examination is not more than two appearances.


  • About Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Sivakasi

    Mepco Schlenk Engineering College in Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu is a self financed technical institute, established in the year 1984 under the guidance of Mepco Schlenk Charities. It is considered a one of the blooming engineering institutes in Hyder..