• This Course shall consist of six Semesters covering a total of three Academic Years. 
    Fees :
  • Syllabus

  • Eligibility

    I. A pass in any recognized Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years duration ( 10+2+3 or 4 years pattern ) in any discipline with core Mathematics (or) Business Mathematics at +2 level or A pass in any recognized Bachelor's degree with 10+3 years Diploma +3 years pattern with Mathematics at Diploma level or Mathematics or Statistics as one of the subjects at the degree level or A pass in any recognized Bachelor's degree of minimum 3 years duration ( 10+2+3 pattern) in any discipline with Mathematics or Statistics as any one of the subjects.
    II. Candidates should have appeared for TANCET Examination. MCA (Lateral Entry) : A Pass in Bachelors Degree of Minimum 3 Years duration in B.C.A., B.Sc.(Computer Science / Computer Technology / Information Technology) or equivalent with Mathematics as course at Higher Secondary level or at Graduate level. The candidates should have appeared for an Entrance Test conducted by TANCET.
  • About Nehru College of Management
    Founded in 1995, Nehru College of Management is one of the premier institutes of education and is fast emerging as one of the important centers in the area of computer education and research. Institute offers a unique blend of theory and prac..