• Established In : 1881
    Affiliated To : University of Delhi
    Website : www.ststephens.edu
    Address : University Enclave, Delhi - 110007,India. Tel: +91-11 2766 7271

    • St Stephens College Campus

St. Stephen's College is a Christian constituent college of the Delhi University. The college endows a wide variety of undergraduates and post-graduates courses in Arts and Science. Nation-wide surveys such as those by India Today and The Week have described the college as the Best Science College of India, consistently over the last few years.


NIRF 2021 Ranking - 8


St. Stephen's College Admission 2021-22:-





The institute's infrastructure is well furnished with all modern facilities. The College provides ample facilities for development of an integrated personality. It has a fine library containing more than ninety thousand books. Student Societies and Clubs play a vital role in the total life of the College. For each subject there is a Society which sponsors extra-curricular lectures and discussion and, in general, tries to stimulate interest in the subject.

Exams Accepted:


Placements are provided to deserving students.


University Enclave,
Delhi - 110007,India.
Tel: +91-11 2766 7271

  • St Stephens College Campus
    St Stephens College Campus

