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West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board conducts Joint Entrance Examination (JEEDEC) for 5-year B. E (Evening) Degree course in Civil, Electrical & Mechanical Engineering course of Jadavpur University.

JEEDEC 2019 Eligibility:-

The Applicant (both male and female) must be a citizen of India.

Candidates   who  have   passed  with  60%   marks   or   equivalent  Grade  point  and  above ( 45 %   marks   or   equivalent  Grade  point  and  above for   SC/ ST )   Diploma  Examination  from   UGC  recognized   Indian  University   /   Government   / Statutory  Body  in  Civil,  Electrical  and Mechanical Engineering with at least one year relevant experience in the respective field after publication of Diploma examination result and till the last date of submission of application forms shall be eligible for admission to 1st year of 5 years Evening Degree Courses in Civil, Electrical, Mechanical Engineering. The students who will be admitted are requiring to submit “No Objection Certificate for courses of study from the employer at the time of admission.

There is no age restriction for diploma holders of Engineering/Technology/ Pharmacy.

JEEDEC Registration / Application Form

JEEDEC 2019 Application Form / Registration:-


Apply online at website -  http://www.wbjeeb.in from  02.04.2019 to 16.04.2019.


JEEDEC Exam Dates

JEEDEC 2019 Date:- 13th July 2019 (Saturday).

JEEDEC Syllabus

JEEDEC 2019 Syllabus:-

Click Here to download JEEDEC Syllabus.

Paper Pattern

JEEDEC 2019 Pattern:- The said examination will be of two-hour duration. All questions will be of Multiple Choice (MCQ) Objective type (four options including single correct answer). Candidate will be required to answer 100 (hundred) questions, each carrying 1  (one)  mark.  For each incorrect response (answer)  1/4 mark will be deducted.  All questions will have to be answered on specially designed machine gradable OMR answer sheets. Answers are to be marked using Black/ Blue Ball Pen.  There will be separate question papers for Electrical, Mechanical and Civil candidates.  Overwriting on the OMR Sheet or more than one answers for a question will lead to cancellation of the particular answer of the question.

JEEDEC Preparation

JEEDEC Notification

JEEDEC 2019 Notification:-


Apply online at website -  http://www.wbjeeb.in from  02.04.2019 to 16.04.2019.
Download Admit Card from - 04.07.2019
JEEDEC 2019 Date -  13th July 2019 (Saturday)
Publication of Result - 13.08.2019 (Tentative)
Click Here for more details.