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Commissioner for Entrance Examinations (CEE), Government of Kerala conducts Common Entrance Examination (PG Medical Entrance Examintation) for admission to Post Graduate Medical Degree/Diploma (MD/MS) courses in the Medical Colleges / Institutions in the State.

Kerala PG Medical Exam 2017 Eligibility:-

Academic: Those candidates who are in possession of MBBS degree or provisional MBBS pass certificate recognized by the MCI with the MBBS qualification registered permanently or provisionally with MCI or State Medical Council and who have completed one year of Internship or likely to complete it on or before 31st March 2016 are eligible to apply. Applicants should have passed the MBBS Degree from any of the Universities in Kerala or any other University recognized by KUHS as equivalent thereto with eligibility for full registration in respect of all courses. Admission to the candidate will be given only after obtaining registration of T.C. Medical Council.


Applicants should have satisfied any of the following conditions:-

i) Be an Indian Citizen of Kerala Origin.
ii) Candidates who are sons/daughters of Non-Keralite parents who have obtained MBBS degree from any of the Medical Colleges in Kerala State. But they will not be eligible for communal/Special/PD reservation benefits.

Kerala PG Medical Registration / Application Form

Kerala PG Medical Exam 2017 Application Form / Registration:-

Apply Online on website: - www.cee.kerala.gov.in

The data entry can be made only after uploading his/her photograph. The soft copy of photograph as specified below is to be selected using the browse button and uploaded.


A studio generated soft copy of latest passport size color photograph with a light colored background in JPEG format between 15 KB to 30 KB of size and resolution 150 x 200 pixels is to be used for uploading. The photograph should not be taken with the candidate wearing Cap or Goggles. Spectacles are allowed if being used regularly. POLAROID and COMPUTER /MOBILE-PHONE generated photos are not acceptable. A printed copy of passport size photograph (same as that uploaded online) should be firmly pasted in the space provided in the printout of application.

The candidate has to remit the application fee at State Bank of Tranvancore using the Bank Chalan obtained along with the printout of the application. However, candidate outside Kerala may remit the requisite application fee in the form of Demand Draft drawn from any Nationalized Bank in favor of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, payable at Thiruvananthapuram. The Bank Challan/Demand Draft in original’ has to be sent along with the application to the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations.

Kerala PG Medical Exam Dates

Kerala PG Medical Exam 2017 Date:-


Kerala PG Medical Syllabus

Kerala PG Medical Exam 2017 Syllabus:-

Paper Pattern

Kerala PG Medical Exam 2017 Pattern:-

There shall be two papers of two hours duration each, consisting of 150 Objective Type Multiple Choice questions each having Four options of which only one will be the most appropriate answer. A paper I will consist of Pre Clinical and Para-Clinical subjects and paper II will consist of Clinical subjects. The distribution of the number of questions from each subject will be as shown below

Paper I

Subjects - No of Questions

Anatomy - 5
Physiology and Bio Physics - 5
Biochemistry - 5
Pharmacology - 8
Pathology - 8
Micro biology - 7
Forensic Medicine - 2
Community Medicine - 20
TB & Chest Disease - 15
Opthalmology - 10
Orthopaedics - 10
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - 5
ENT - 15
Anaesthesia - 5
Dermatology and Venerology - 10
Psychiatry - 10
Radiatherapy - 5
Radiodiagnosis - 5

Total - 150

Paper II

Subjects - No of Questions

Medicine - 40
Surgery - 40
Obstetrics & Gynaecology - 40
Peadiatrics - 30

Total -150

Kerala PG Medical Preparation

Kerala PG Medical Notification

Kerala PG Medical Exam 2017 Notification:-

Click Here for more details.