State Common Entrance Test Cell, Government of Maharashtra conducts MHT CET 2023 for Admission to First Year of Four Year Full Time Degree Courses in
Engineering and Technology,
First Year of Six Year Full Time Degree Course in Pharm.D.
B. Sc. (Honours) (Agriculture)
B. Sc. (Honours) (Horticulture)
B. Sc. (Honours) (Forestry)
B. Sc. (Honours) (Community Science)
B. Tech. (Agriculture Engineering)
B. Tech. (Food Technology)
B. Tech. (Bio-Technology)
B. F. Sc. (Fisheries Science)
B. Sc. (Honours) (Agri Business Management)
MHT CET 2023 Eligibility:-
All the candidates passed / appearing at the qualifying examination i.e. HSC/12th Standard examination or its equivalent examination and having Indian Nationality are eligible for appearing for MHT-CET 2023. There is no age limit for admission and appearing to MHT-CET 2023.
Passed HSC or its equivalent examination with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects along with one of the Mathematics or Biology and obtained at least 45% marks (at least 40% marks in case of candidates of Backward Class categories, Economically Weaker Section and Persons with Disability category belonging to Maharashtra State) in the above subjects taken together.
MHT CET Registration / Application Form
MHT CET 2023 Application Form / Registration:-
Apply online at website - from 08/03/2023 to 07/04/2023
MHT CET 2023 Fee -
For General Category Candidates from Maharashtra State, Outside Maharashtra State (OMS), J & K Migrant candidates - Rs.800/-
For Candidates of Backward Class Categories [SC, ST, VJ/DT- NT(A), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), OBC, SBC and EWS and Persons with Disability Candidates belonging to Maharashtra State only - Rs.600/-
If the candidate opted for both the groups i.e. PCM and PCB then for General Category, he/she will have to pay Rs.1,600/- and for Reserve Category candidate from the State of Maharashtra he/she will have to pay Rs.1,200
Mode of Payment - Debit Card, Credit Card, Online Banking
Upload - (Photograph & Signature)
– Scanned copy of the photograph in JPEG/JPG format Maxsize 50kb. (Dimensions: breadth 3.5 CMS * height 4.5 CMS)
– Scanned copy of signature in JPEG/JPG format Max size 50kb. (Dimensions: breadth 3.5 CMS * height 1.5 CMS).
MHT CET Exam Dates
MHT CET 2023 Date:-
MHT CET 2023 Date (Tentative) -
PCM - 09-05-2023, 10-05-2023, 11-05-2023, 12-05-2023 and 13-05-2023
PCB - 15-05-2023, 16-05-2023, 17-05-2023, 18-05-2023, 19-05-2023 and 20-05-2023
Download admit card from website
In the examination hall, the Admit Card along with original of the candidate’s photo identity (bearing reasonably the same name as it appears on the Admit Card) such as PAN Card / Indian Passport / Driving License / Voter’s Card / Bank Passbook with Photograph/ Photo identity proof issued by aGazzetted Officer on official letterhead along with photograph / Photo identity proof issued by a People’s Representative on official letterhead along with photograph / recent Identity Card issued by a recognized School / College/ Aadhaar Card/E-Aadhaar Card print with a photograph should be shown to the invigilator for verification. The candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the Admit Card, in the Attendance List and requisite documents submitted. If identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate may not be allowed to appear for the Examination.
MHT CET Syllabus
MHT CET 2023 Syllabus:-
Physics - Motion in a plane, Laws of Motion, Gravitation, thermal properties of matter, Sound, Optics, Electrostatics, Semiconductors
Chemistry - Some basic concepts of Chemistry, Structure of atom, Chemical Bonding, Redox reactions, Elements of group 1 and 2, States of Matter (Gaseous and Liquids), Adsorption and Colloids (Surface Chemistry), Hydrocarbons, Basic principles of organic chemistry.
Mathematics - Trigonometric II, Straight Line, Circle, Measures of Description, Probability, Complex Numbers, Permutations and Combinations, Functions, Limits, Continuity
Biology - Biomolecules, Respiration and Energy Transfer, Human Nutrition, Excretion and Osmoregulation
Click here to download MHT CET 2023 Syllabus.
Paper Pattern
MHT CET 2023 Pattern:-
Mode - Online mode (Computer Based Test)
MHT CET 2023 will consist of 3 question paper of Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) and each paper will be of 100 marks, Details are as given below:
Paper - Paper I
Subject - Mathematics
No. of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) based on -
Std. XI - 10
Std. XII - 40
Marks Per Question - 2
Total Marks - 100
Duration - 90 Minutes
Paper - Paper II
Subject - Physics
No. of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) based on -
Std. XI - 10
Std. XII - 40
Subject - Chemistry
Std. XI - 10
Std. XII - 40
Marks Per Question - 1
Total Marks - 100
Duration - 90 Minutes
Paper - Paper III
Subject - Biology
No. of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) based on -
Std. XI - 20
Std. XII - 80
Marks Per Question - 1
Total Marks - 100
Duration - 90 Minutes
There is no Negative Marking.
MHT CET Preparation
The most important thing that candidate should known that MHT CET is purely based on Class 12 portion. The exam is not easy but it’s not even hard at the same time. To score high in this exam, candidate should start preparing at least one year before the exam. Joining coaching classes or taking a crash course will be of great help for candidates. Students should keep in constant touch with the portion of Class 12 as the questions asked in MHT CET are based on the theories, laws and its application based on HSC curriculum. Allot equal time to every subject, as this will enable you to cover every topic in detail. Practicing several hours of previous years’ papers will be conducive for aspirants.
MHT CET Sample Papers
MHT CET Preparation Tips
MHT CET Coaching Institutes
MHT CET Notification
MHT CET 2023 Notification:-
Apply online at website - from 08/03/2023 to 07/04/2023
Issue of Admit Card - To be notified later
MHT CET 2023 Date (Tentative) -
PCM - 09-05-2023, 10-05-2023, 11-05-2023, 12-05-2023 and 13-05-2023
PCB - 15-05-2023, 16-05-2023, 17-05-2023, 18-05-2023, 19-05-2023 and 20-05-2023
Declaration of the Result - To be notified later.
Click here to download MHT CET 2023 INFORMATION BROCHURE (Technical Education Courses).
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MHT CET Result
MHT CET Cutoff