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Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot conducts Punjab Para Medical Entrance Test (PPMET) for admission to B.Sc. Nursing Course .
PPMET 2020 Eligiility:-
a. The higher secondary examination or the Indian School Certificate Examination which is equivalent to 10+2 Higher Secondary Examination after a period of 12 years study, the last two years of study comprising of Physics, Chemistry and Biology with minimum 45% (40% for SC/ST/BC) marks in PCB after the introduction of the 10+2+3 years education structure as recommended by the National Committee of Education. English is a compulsory subject in 10+2 for being eligible; 
b. Any other examination which, in scope and standard is found to be equivalent to the Intermediate Science examination of an Indian University/Board, taking Physics, Chemistry and Biology/ Biotechnology including a practical test in each of these subjects with minimum 45% (40% for SC/ST/BC) marks in PCB. English is a compulsory subject in 10+2 for being eligible. 
Age: Candidate must have completed the age of 17 years, on or before 31st December of the corresponding year.

PPMET Registration / Application Form

PPMET 2020 Application Form / Registration:-

Apply online at website - http://bfuhs.ac.in from 14-09-2020 to 20-09-2020 
Application Fee - 
Rs. 3000/- for General Category 
RS. 1500/- for SC category only
Mode of Payment - Online
Upload Photograph, Signature and Left Thumb Impression.

PPMET Exam Dates

PPMET 2020 Date:- 27-09-2020, Sunday (11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.).


PPMET Syllabus

PPMET 2020 Syllabus:-


Click Here to download PPMET Syllabus (refer Annexure-I of the Prospectus).

Paper Pattern

PPMET 2020 Pattern:- 

The Test shall have one paper consisting of questions in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (Botany and Zoology).
There will be 200 Multiple Choice Questions (50 each of Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology). Each question will carry four marks, thus total marks will be 800.
The questions will be in English. The candidate will be required to find out the correct answer and mark it on the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Response Sheet by darkening the corresponding oval against the serial number of the question with BLACK FINE TIP BALL PEN ONLY provided by the university at the time of test. 
There will be no negative marking.


PPMET Preparation

PPMET Notification

PPMET 2020 Notification:-

Apply online at website - http://bfuhs.ac.in from 14-09-2020 to 20-09-2020 
Candidates can download Admit card from University website www.bfuhs.ac.in from 22-09-2020
PPMET 2020 Date - 27-09-2020, Sunday (11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.)
Date of Result Declaration By 29-09-2020.



Click Here for more details.