(4 out of 5 based on 2 Ratings)

SRM Graduate Engineering Entrance Test (SRMGEET) for M.Tech is common for SRM University and SRM University Haryana.

Candidate with valid GATE score can also apply and will be considered for admission. Merit list will be prepared and candidates will be called for counseling.

Eligibility for SRMGEET 2020:-





(A basic degree or equivalent in the following with a minimum aggregate of 60%)


Structural Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. in Civil / Civil Infrastructure Engg. / Architectural Engg.




Construction Engineering and Management


B.E / B.Tech. in Civil / Civil Infrastructure

Engg. / Architectural Engg. (or) B.Arch.


Remote Sensing and GIS

B.E. / B.Tech (Civil / Civil Infrastructure / Architectural Engg. / Geo Informatics / CSE / ECE / EEE / IT / Agricultural Engg / Urban  & Regional Planning) or B.Sc. (4 years) - Agriculture  / Forestry  / Horticulture / Geography or M.Sc. / M.A (Geology / Applied Geology / Geo Physics / Geography / Geo Informatics / Physics / Maths / Oceanography / Environmental Science)


Environmental Engineering

B.E. / B.Tech (Civil / Civil Infrastructure / Architecture  Engg. / Chemical / Biotechnology),  or M.Sc ( Environmental Science / Ecology / Environmental Ecology / Environmental Chemistry)


Geo Technical Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. (Civil / Civil Infrastructure / Architecture  Engg. / Geo Informatics / Structural Engg.) or M.Sc. ( Geology / Applied Geology / Geophysics with Maths background)


Computer Aided Design

B.E / B.Tech. in Mechanical  Engg. / Production Engg. / Automobile Engg. / Aerospace / Aeronautical Engg (or) AMIE (Mech) / AMAeSI(Aero) / IMechE. (or) any equivalent degree in the above Disciplines.


Computer Integrated Manufacturing

B.E / B.Tech. in Mechanical  Engg. / Production Engg. / Industrial Engg. / Automobile Engg. / Metalurgical / Metalurgy  Engg. / Aerospace / Aeronautical Engg. / Mechatronics Engg. (or) AMIE(Mech) / AMAeSI (Aero) / IMechE (or) any equivalent degree in the above Disciplines



B.E / B.Tech. in Mechanical  Engg. / Production Engg. / Industrial Engg. / Automobile Engg. / Aerospace / Aeronautical Engg. / Mechatronics Engg. / ECE / EEE / ICE / CSE (or) AMIE (Mech) / AMAeSI(Aero) / IMechE (or) any equivalent degree in the above Disciplines


Solar Energy

B.E. / B.Tech. in Mechanical  Engineering / Automobile Engineering / Chemical Engineering / Electrical & Electronics Engineering / AMIE (Mechanical Engineering) / AMAeSI / IMechE / M.Sc.(Physics) (or) any equivalent degree in the above discipline.


Power Systems

B.E / B.Tech. in EEE




Power Electronics and Drives


B.E / B.Tech. in EEE / ECE / ICE / E&I




Telecommunication Networks


B.E / B.Tech. in ECE / ETE / TE




VLSI Design


B.E / B.Tech. in ECE / EEE / E&I / CSE / IT (or) M.Sc. (Electronics / Applied Electronics) (or) M.Sc. (Physics - Special Electronics)




Embedded  System Technology


B.E / B.Tech. in EEE / ECE / CSE / IT / ICE

/ E&I (or) M.Sc. (Electronics / Applied Electronics) (or) M.Sc. (Physics - Special Electronics)




Communication Systems


B.E / B.Tech. in ECE / ETE / TE




Biomedical Engineering


B.E / B.Tech in Biomedical Engineering / Biomedical & Instrumentation Engineering / ICE / EIE / Biotechnology / Nanotechnology / Medical Electronics (or) M.Sc.(Electronics / Medical Electronical  / Applied Electronics) (or) M.Sc.(Physics / Medical Physics /

Bio-Physics) (or) M.Sc. (Bio-informatics  / Biomedical Informatics / Biotechnology) (or) MBBS / BPT / BOT




Electronics & Control  Engineering


B.E / B.Tech. in ECE / ICE / EEE / E&I


Computer Science & Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. in CSE / IT / ECE / EEE / E&I & ICE (or) MCA (or) M.Sc. (CS / CST / IT / SW)


Software Engineering

B.E / B.Tech. in CSE/IT (or) MCA (or) M.Sc (IT / CS / CST / SW)




Information Technology


B.E / B.Tech. in CSE / IT (or) MCA (or) M.Sc. (CSE / IT)




Information Security and Cyber Forensics


B.E / B.Tech. in CSE / IT (or) M.Sc. (CSE / IT) (or) MCA




Database Systems


B.E / B.Tech. in CSE / IT / SWE (or) M.Sc. (CSE / IT) (or) MCA




Cloud Computing


B.E / B.Tech in CSE / IT / SWE / ECE / EEE / EI (or) MCA (or) M.Sc (CSE / IT)




Chemical Engineering


B.E / B.Tech. in Chemical

Engineering / Electrochemical Engg. / Petrochemical Engg.






B.E / B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering /

Bio-Technology  / Bio-Chemical Engineering / Genetic Engg. / Bioinformatics / Biomedical Engg. / Biomedical & Instrumentation Engg. /

Bioprocess Engg. / Food  Process Engineering (or) B.Pharm (or) M.Sc. (in any branch  of Life Sciences / Biotechnology)




Food  and Nutritional Biotechnology


B.E / B.Tech. in Food  Process / Chemical / Biotechnology / Agricultural Engineering


Food  Safety and Quality Management

B.E / B.Tech in Food  Engineering / Agricultural Engineering / Diary Technology / Biotechnology / Chemical Engineering (or) M.Sc in Food  Science / any branch  of Life Sciences / Home Science / Nutrition & Dietetics.




Genetic Engineering


B.E / B.Tech in Genetic Engineering /

Biotechnology / Industrial or Medical or General or Food  Biotechnology / Biochemical Engineering / Bioinformatics / Bioprocess Engineering (or) B.Pharm (or) B.V.Sc. (or) B.F.Sc. (or) B.Sc. (Agri) / B.Sc. (Forestry)  (or) MBBS (or) M.Sc in

any branch  of Life Sciences.






B.E / B.Tech in Bioinformatics / Any Life Sciences branch  / Chemical Engg. / Information Technology / Computer Science (or) M.Sc in Bioinformatics / Any branch  of Life Sciences

/ Information Technology / Computer Science (or) B.Pharm (or) B.VSc (or) MBBS (or) B.Sc Agriculture  (or) Masters in Medical Lab Technology



B.E / B.Tech. (Any Specialization),  M.Sc

(Physics / Materials  Science / Chemistry / Applied Chemistry / Bio Chemistry / Biotechnology) with mathematics as one of the subjects at B.Sc level.




Operation Management and Learn ERP


B.E / B.Tech in Electrical, Mechanical,  Production, CSE (or) MCA




Solar Photovoltaic


B.E / B.Tech in Electrical, Mechanical,  ECE, EEE (or) M.Sc in Physics, Electronics and Material  Science


Genome Informatics

B.E/B.Tech in Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Information Technology, Computer Science (or) M.Sc Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Life Sciences, Information Technology, Computer Science (or) B.Pharm (or) B.Sc Agriculture (or) B.V.Sc (or) M.B.B.S


SRMGEET Registration / Application Form

SRMGEET 2020 Online Application Form / Registration:-

Apply online at website:- http://www.srmuniv.ac.in

SRMGEET Exam Dates

SRMGEET 2020 Date:-


SRMGEET Syllabus

SRMGEET 2020 Syllabus:-


Click Here to download SRMGEET Syllabus.

Paper Pattern

SRMGEET 2020 Pattern:-

The questions will be set at the corresponding degree level.

The questions will be of scholastic aptitude type.

The question paper consists of 100 questions with duration of 150 mts.

Each correct answer carries 3 marks and each wrong answer carries negative mark of 1.  

SRMGEET Preparation

SRMGEET Notification

SRMGEET 2020 Notification:-


Click Here for more details.