Are you searching for information on VMU CEE? If "yes" your search rightly ends here.
VMU CEE is an OMR sheet (paper-pen mode) All India Common Entrance Examination (CEE) directed by the Vinayaka Missions University (VMU) for admission to 4 year BE/BTech, 2 year ME/MTech, 2 year MBA, 3 years MCA degree programs offered at two campuses, namely Vinayaka Missions Kripananda Variyar Engineering College (VMKVEC) Salem and Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology (AVIT) Chennai.
Eligibility for VMU CEE 2019:-
For BE/BTech - A pass in 10 + 2 or its equivalent with subjects of Physics, Chemistry and at least one of Mathematics / Biology . Candidates who have not studied Mathematics as a subject are eligible for the Bilogy based branches, namely Bioinformatics, Biomedical and Biotechnology. Others are eligible for all the branches, including the biology based branches. Candidates appearing for 10 + 2 examinations in March / April 2019 can also apply.
For ME/MTech - A Pass in Bachelor's degree program or its equivalent in a branch approved as relevant to the area of specialization. Candidates appearing for final examination in March / April 2019 can also apply.
MBA - A pass in any recognized Bachelors Degree program. Candidates appearing for Final Examination in March / April 2019 can also apply.
MCA - A Pass in any recognized Bachelor'd degree program. Must have studied Mathematics / Statistics at degree level or Mathematics at + 2 level. Candidates appearing for Final Examination in March / April 2019 can also apply.
VMU CEE Registration / Application Form
VMU CEE 2019 Application Form/Registration:-
Application form can obtain from address given below, either in person (by using cash of Rs 500/-) or by post (on payment of Rs 600/- by demand draft favouring "VINAYAKA MISSIONS UNIVERSITY", payable at Salem or Chennai, according to the address chosen).
Corporate Office:-
Vinayaka Missions University
No.213 (Old No.160), Behind Doshi Tower,
Poonamallee High Road, Kilpauk
Chennai - 600 010, Tamil Nadu
University Office:-
The Registrar
Vinayaka Missions University
Sankari Main Road (NH-47), Ariyanoor
Salem - 636 308, Tamil Nadu
Alternatively, Application form can also be downloaded from the website in which case the filled in application must be submitted along with a Demand Draft for Rs 500/-. The filled in application form (along with the Demand Draft if the downloaded form is used, must reach the following address within the last date notified for form submission.
The Registrar
Vinayaka Missions University
Sankari Main Road (NH-47), Ariyanoor
Salem - 636 308, Tamil Nadu. Ph: 0427 - 3987000
VMU CEE Syllabus
VMU CEE 2019 Syllabus:-
Every question paper follows a syllabus created from common minimum content of the prescribed qualifying programme(s) in major Universities/Boards of Education in the country and approved by competent expert bodies.
Paper Pattern
VMU CEE 2019 Paper Pattern:-
For all PG Degree Programs, except MBA:- Three marks will be awarded for every correct answer. For every incorrect answer, one mark will be deducted.
For MBA Program:- Every correct answer carries four marks, FOr every incorrect answer one mark will be deducted
There is no negative mar for a wrong answer for UG programs.
The Language of the question papers in English
BE/BTech -
Type of Questions - Objective Type
Duration - 3 hours
Maximum Marks - 360
Part I - Physical Science
Physics - 30 questions
Chemistry - 30 questions
Three marks for each question.
Total marks 180
Part 2 Biology - 60 questions
Three marks for each question.
Total marks 180
Part 2 Mathematics - 45 questions
Four marks for each questions.
Total marks 180
For ME/MTech-
Duration - 2 hours
Maximum mark of the paper - 300
Section 1 :- Engineering Mathematics - 25 questions
The marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer.
Section 2 :- Basic Engineering and Science - 25 questions
The marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer.
Section 3 :- Qualifying Brahches - 50 questions - 25 questions
The marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer.
Section 1 and 2 are common for all candidates.
A Minimum common syllabus, expected to be covered reasonably well in all Indian Universities and Institutions in the qualifying UG courses.
For MBA-
Duration - 2 hours
Maximum mark of the paper - 400
Analysis of Business situation - 20 questions
Four marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer
Reading Comprehension - 20 questions
Four marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer
Data Sufficiency - 20 questions
Four marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer
English Grammar and Usage - 20 questions
Four marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer
Quantitative Aptitude - 20 questions
Four marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer
For MCA-
Duration - 2 Hours
Maximum marks of the paper - 300
Analytical Reasoning and Logical Ability - 40 Questions
Three marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer.
Computer Awareness - 20 Questions
Three marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer.
Proficiency in English - 20 Questions
Three marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer.
Quantitative Aptitude - 20 Questions
Three marks for each correct answer and one negative mark (-1) for every wrong answer.
VMU CEE Notification
VMU CEE 2019 Notification:-