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The West Bengal School Service Commission conducts 1st State Level Teachers’ Selection Test (AT) 2020 for Recruitment of Assistant Teachers Upper Primary Level of Schools, Classes IX-X and Classes -XI-XII Santhali Medium Schools (Except Hill Region).

WB SLST Registration / Application Form

WB SLTST 2020 Application Form / Registration:-

Apply online at website - http://www.wbsschelpdesk.com from 23.12.2020 (from Evening) to 06.01.2021 (6.00PM)
The candidates belonging to UR & OBC A/B category shall pay Rs. 250/- only as fees with Rs. 10/- for Conveyance Charges through e-challan only against his application. SC/ST and PH category of candidates do not require to pay any fees
Mode of Payment - 
Through Bank Challan (Offline Mode)
Upload - 
Stamp size colour photograph (size-within 50kb) and scanned signature (size-within 25kb).

WB SLST Exam Dates

WB SLTST 2020 Date:- 


Tentative date of examination:- To be intimated later on.

WB SLST Syllabus

WB SLTST 2020 Syllabus:-



Paper Pattern

WB SLTST 2020 Pattern:-


Click here to know more.

WB SLST Preparation

WB SLST Notification

WB SLTST 2020 Notification:-


Apply online at website - http://www.wbsschelpdesk.com from 23.12.2020 (from Evening) to 06.01.2021 (6.00PM)
The candidates will download admit card for examination after publication of Notice in thisregard.
Tentative date of examination:- To be intimated later on.


Click Here to download WB SLTST 2020 Information Brochure.



Note : The Information provided here is taken from official websites and in some cases other websites. We are just aggregators of the information students are requested to check the official websites and respective admission authorities for more information their word will be final. We keep updating the information regularly but sometimes the information can be outdated or human error while typing is possible we are not responsible in such cases.

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