(4 out of 5 based on 150 Ratings)

West Bengal Police Constable and Lady Constable Recruitment 2020 .
Total No of Vacancies -
Constable - 7440 posts
Lady Constable - 1192 posts
West Bengal Police Constable Exam 2020 Eligibility -
Age - The applicant must not be less than 18 (Eighteen) years old and must not be more than 27 (Twenty Seven) years old as on 01.01.2021. 
The upper age limit shall be relaxed by 05 (Five) years for the candidates belonging to the categories of Scheduled Castes (SC) & Scheduled Tribes (ST) and by 03 (Three) years for the candidates belonging to the categories of Other Backward Classes (OBC). NVF and Home Guard personnel serving in West Bengal Police are also eligible for relaxation of upper age limit as per existing Government order. However, no age relaxation is available for the Civic Volunteer personnel serving under West Bengal Police.
Educational Qualifications - The applicant must have passed Madhyamik Examination from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent.
Language - The applicant must be able to speak, read and write in Bengali language. However, this provision will not be applicable to the persons who are permanent residents of hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts.
NVF, Home Guard personnel and Civic Volunteers serving under West Bengal Police and desirous of applying should complete 03 (three) years of service as on 01.01.2021.
Constable (Male) -
Category - Candidates of all categories (except Gorkhas, Garhwalies, Rajbanshis and Scheduled Tribes)
Height (Barefoot) (in cm.) - 167
Weight (in kg.) - 57
Chest (in cm) -
78 cms. (without expansion)
83 cms. (with expansion - 5 cms.)
Category - Gorkhas, Garhwalies, Rajbanshis and Scheduled Tribes -
Height (Barefoot) (in cm.) - 160
Weight (in kg.) - 53
Chest (in cm) - 
76 cms. (without expansion)
81 cms. (with expansion - 5 cms.)
Lady Constable -
Category - Candidates of all categories (except Gorkhas, Garhwalies, Rajbanshis and Scheduled Tribes) -
Height (Barefoot) (in cm.) - 160
Weight (in kg.) - 49
Category - Gorkhas, Garhwalies, Rajbanshis and Scheduled Tribes -
Height (Barefoot) (in cm.) - 152 
Weight (in kg.) - 45.


West Bengal Police Constable Registration / Application Form

West Bengal Police Constable Exam 2020 Application Form / Registration :- 
Apply online at website - http://wbpolice.gov.in from 22.01.2021 (00:00 hrs.) to 20.02.2021 (5 PM).


West Bengal Police Constable Exam Dates

West Bengal Police Constable Exam 2020 Date:- 

West Bengal Police Constable Syllabus

West Bengal Police Constable 2020 Syllabus:-

Paper Pattern

West Bengal Police Constable 2020 Paper Pattern:-    
The posts of Constable/Lady Constable in the West Bengal Police shall be filled up on the basis of qualifying the Preliminary Written Test which will act as screening examination followed by the Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Final Written Examination and Interview to be conducted by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board.
Preliminary Written Test (Full Marks - 100) -
Applicants provisionally considered eligible will have to appear in an MCQ based preliminary written test which is qualifying in nature. There would be 100 objective type questions having multiple choice (four choices) of answers carrying 01 (one) mark each. The duration of this test will be 1(one) hour. Question paper will be set in two languages (Bengali & Nepali). Questions of the Preliminary Written Test shall be from the following subjects :-
i. General Awareness and General Knowledge - 50 Marks
ii. Elementary Mathematics (Madhyamik standard) - 30 Marks
iii. Reasoning - 20 Marks
Note - There will be NEGATIVE marking for each incorrect answer. ¼th of the allotted marks for a particular question will be deducted for each incorrect answer. West Bengal Police Recruitment Board will decide the prescribed scheme and syllabus for the Preliminary Written Test. The qualifying marks in the Preliminary Written Test to appear for the next stage will be fixed by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board. The marks obtained by a candidate in the preliminary written test will not be considered for preparing final merit list.
Candidates who qualify in PMT will be allowed to take part in PET as furnished below. 
Posts - Constable
Event for - 1600 (sixteen hundred) meters run
PET Timing - 6 (six) minutes 30 (thirty) seconds
Posts - Lady Constable
Event for - 800 (eight hundred) meters run
PET Timing - 4 (four) minutes
Note - 
I) Timing of an individual runner shall be taken with the help of Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) technology. Only one chance will be given for Physical Efficiency Test. The venues for PMT & PET will be decided by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board, in due course.
II) PMT & PET are qualifying in nature.
All the candidates who qualify in the Physical Measurement Test (PMT) & Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will be called to appear in the Final Written Examination to be conducted by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board. The Final Written Examination will have 85 (eighty five) Multiple Choice (Four choices) Objective Type Questions (MCQs) carrying 01 (one) mark each. The duration of the examination will be 1 (One) hour. Question paper will be set in two languages (Bengali & Nepali) except questions on English language. Question of the Final Written Examination shall be from the following subjects -
A. General Awareness and General Knowledge - 25 Marks
B. English - 25 Marks
C. Elementary Mathematics (Madhyamik standard) - 20 Marks
D. Reasoning and Logical Analysis - 15 Marks
Note - There will be NEGATIVE marking for each incorrect answer. ¼th of the allotted marks for a particular question will be deducted for each incorrect answer. West Bengal Police Recruitment Board will decide the prescribed scheme and syllabus for the Final Written Examination. The qualifying marks in the Final Written Examination to appear for the next stage will be fixed by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board.
INTERVIEW  (Full Marks - 15).


West Bengal Police Constable Preparation

West Bengal Police Constable Notification

West Bengal Police Constable 2020 Notification:-
Apply online at website - http://wbpolice.gov.in from 22.01.2021 (00:00 hrs.) to 20.02.2021 (5 PM).
Click here for more details.
View More Details.
Note : The Information provided here is taken from official websites and in some cases other websites. We are just aggregators of the information students are requested to check the official websites and respective admission authorities for more information their word will be final. We keep updating the information regularly but sometimes the information can be outdated or human error while typing is possible we are not responsible in such cases.