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Below you will find IAS 2023 Selection Procedure. IAS is the renowned name in the field of civil services. It is the dream job for the numerous students but in actual, only the most deserving students will get the same. A lot of hard work is required in order to clear this reputed and the leading examination which is conducted by the union public service commission i.e. UPSC. Owing to the high – level exam, this requires the vibrant and dynamic preparation. Basically, the IAS Selection Procedure 2023 includes three phases i.e. preliminary exam, main exam and final interview round. 

IAS Selection Procedure 2023 – Detailed Explanation:
• As it is known to everyone that the selection procedure will consists of three main stages i.e. Prelims, mains and personal interview.
• Each of the stage has its own importance in the selection procedure. Only those students who will qualify the prelims can go for the mains and the interview round.
• To make the students understand the stages in the better way, we shall be providing here the detailed description of these stages.
Stage 1: Preliminary examination:
• This is first phase of the IAS Selection Procedure 2023. The preliminary exam is scheduled in the month of may 2023 by the official exam authority.
• This test is meant to be served as the screening test only.
• This exam comprises of objective type questions.
• Penalty for the wrong answers will be applicable.
• If more than one answer is filled by the students then it will be treated as the wrong answer and penalized as per the negative marking.
• One thing should be noted by the students, the marks obtained in the preliminary exam will not be counted in the final merit list.
• Cutoff marks will be based on the GS – I paper only. However, the GS – II paper will be qualifying with 33% (66.66) marks.
Stage 2: Main Examination:
• The next stage of the IAS Selection Procedure 2023 is the main examination. The official authority will organize this exam in the month of Sep 2023.
• Only those students who have their names in the merit list of the prelims exam will be allowed to take this examination.
• The students admitted to the main examination will have to pay the further fee of Rs 200.
• The main exam is the written examination which comprises of the competitive papers.
• The students need to obtain minimum qualifying marks so as to be considered as qualified.
It is important for the students to know that the marks in this main (written) exam will be considered for the final ranking.
Stage 3: Final Interview round:
• After appearing in the main exam, the students will go through the personal interview round. 
• It should be noted that only those students who will obtain the minimum qualifying marks in the main examination are allowed to appear in the personal interview round.
• This is the main and the final stage of the IAS 2023 Selection Procedure.
• In this phase of selection, the overall ability of the students will be judged by the interviewer.
• This is that round for which the students have struggled so far.
• If the student fails to qualify this round then his entire hard work will be get wasted.
• In order to qualify this round, the students should have good communication skills, and the enough knowledge of the current topics.
• Based on the main exam and personal interview round, the final merit list will be prepared by the official authority i.e. UPSC so as to provide the final job to the most deserving and the appropriate candidates.
IAS Admit Card         
IAS Result                 IAS Cutoff