• HomeIBPS Clerk Mains Result
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The Result of IBPS Clerk Mains 2021 is expected to be released in the month of January 2019 for the students who have appeared in the Mains examination .The Clerk Mains result will be announced by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) via online mode and the students can easily check the same by accessing the link which will be hosted here soon. It should be noted that no prior intimation regarding the release of the IBPS Clerk Mains score card will be sent to the students. It is the duty of the students to keep updated with the latest information and official date. 
About the Exam:-
• IBPS clerk recruitment process is organized by the institute of banking personnel selection with the purpose to recruit the candidates as a clerk. 
• Candidates who will qualify the prelims examination will be eligible to take the main examination. 
How to Check the Result?
The Result will be announced in the online mode only and, therefore, the students need to know the procedure to check the same in an efficient manner. Below are some simple steps which must be followed by the candidates to check their IBPS Clerk Mains 2021 Result:
• To commence the process, the students need to visit the official website of IBPS.
• Then on the home page, candidates have click on the CWE CLERICAL section.
• After that, the students need to enter the essential information such as Registration No, Date of Birth, Roll No and Password so as to check the result.
• Then Click on submit button.
• The candidate’s result will be displayed on the screen like their marks and other details.
• The candidates can download the same for the future reference.
Information Available on Result card:
The Result will show the required details:
• Name and Roll number of the student
• Marks in each section of exam
• Aggregate marks obtained in the exam
Important Points:
• The Institute of banking and personnel selection will announce the result for Clerk mains exam.
•The applicants can check their result via online mode only from official web portal.
• IBPS Clerk mains result 2021 will be announced only for those candidates who will score the passing marks in the mains exam. 
• After Clerk mains Result declaration, a merit list will be prepared and qualified candidates will be called for interview section.