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Soon after the declaration of result, the official authority will announce the counselling procedure for the CET qualified candidates. It is expected that the KCET Counselling 2023 will be held in the month of June 2023. The exact dates for the counseling rounds will be intimated soon after any official announcement. It is duty of the students to keep them updated with the official schedule. The counseling aims at imparting the admission to the shortlisted candidates. 
Detailed Description:
• The counseling will be held once by the official authority and the students need to attend the same as per the official schedule.
• There are various important stages which are associated with the KCET Selection Procedure 2023. The explanation of the same is mentioned here.
Stage 1: Registration:
• This is the first and the prime step of the counseling procedure.
• All the candidates who have assigned rank in CET will have to report at the nearest helpline center as per the schedule for registration.
• The students are required to register their CET number in the computer system.
• In this stage, the students will be briefed about the process to be followed by the candidate. This is like the training class to the candidates.
Stage 2: Document verification:
• The next stage of the KCET Counselling 2023 is the document verification round.
• The candidates need to verify their documents so as to become eligible for the option entry. 
• Verification of the documents shall be done as per the official schedule.
• No individual intimation will be sent to the candidates regarding the verification process. It is the prime duty of the students to keep them updated with the official dates.
• Verification of the document will be done at once for all the disciplines for which the candidate is eligible. 
• After completing the verification process, a verification slip will be issued to the students which mention the details of the students, documents verified etc. 
• The candidate before leaving the verification counter must scrutinize all the details printed on the verification slip.
• No changes or claims will be accepted once the documents are verified and verification slip is generated.
Stage 3: Options entry:
• The next stage of the KCET 2023 Counselling is the option entry for the seat allotment.
• The options entered by the students in the first round will be same for all the further rounds of counselling.
• The candidates will not be allowed to enter the options again.
• The priority of the options entered by the students will be shown on the option entry module by obtaining the candidate’s credentials.
• The students may delete or alter the order of the higher options.
• The candidates will have the choice to enter as many options as they desire.
Stage 4: Allotment of the seat:
• Finally, the official authority will allot the seats to the eligible students.
• The official authority will allot the seats online in the order of the merit and based on the options chosen by the candidates.
• According to the candidate’s final option entry, the college and courses will be allotted to the students.
• Soon after the allotment of the seats, the students need to report at the finally allotted college within the limited duration of time.
• It should be noted that if the student decides to surrender the seat then he/ she has to surrender the seat only to the official authority i.e. KEA in writing.
• It is important for the students to know that request for mutual transfer of seat shall not be entertained by the official authority at any point of time.
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