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The Result of MAT 2023 will be for paper based and computer based examinations is expected to be available within the month after examination as All India Management Association (AIMA) conducts the MAT exam four times in a year. The result is announced by the official exam authority in the online mode. The students can easily check their score card by using the link which will be published here soon after its official release. 
About the Exam:-
• MAT i.e. Management Aptitude Test is the management entrance examination which the students will have to qualify in order to take admission in the B-schools of the country.
• Usually, this exam is organized four times in a year in the month of February, May, September and December.
How to Check the Result?
Below are some simple steps which the candidates must follow to check their Result:
• Log on to the official website of AIMA.
• Click on tab 'Result MAT 2022’.
• You will be directed to another window showing a log-in window in which you are required to enter the certain details such as – Roll Number, Form number and Month of the Examination.
• Proceed to click on ‘Submit’ in the next step.
• The result will be displayed on the screen.
• Take a printout of the result and keep it for future reference.
Information Available on Scorecard:
• Name and Roll number of the student
• Marks in each section of exam
• Aggregate marks obtained in the exam
Duplicate Scorecard:
If candidates misplace their printed scorecards, then they can also obtain the duplicate copy of the Scorecard by following the simple steps which are indicated below:
• In order to get the duplicate score, the candidates have to write an application letter on a plain paper requesting for a duplicate score.
• Along with application letter, a photocopy of the Admit Cards lower half which was handed over at the examination hall duly signed by the invigilator must be sent.
• Candidates also have to attach a Self-addressed envelope having dimensions of 24cms x 12cms approximately with their address written in capital letters with a stamp of Rs 40/- affixed for sending by Speed Post.
• The result will be announced by the AIMA, within or after one month from the examination date. 
• After the announcement of the result for every session, the hard copy of the score card will be sent to the applicants by post.
• The candidates can check their Result via online mode.
• After MAT 2022 result announcement a merit list will be prepared and qualified candidates will be called to attend the counselling process. 
• The candidates are advised to download and take printouts of their result for future reference.
MAT Admit Card                         MAT Counselling