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Soon after the declaration of result and the publication of merit list, the official authority will organize the counselling procedure for the qualified students. The Odisha JEE MBA Counselling 2023 aims at offering final admission to the students in the management courses. Every year, this counselling procedure is conducted in the month of June. 
Odisha JEE MBA Counselling 2023 – About the Exam:
• OJEE MBA is one of the reputed management entrance examinations which is generally conducted in the month of May.
• This exam is organized with the purpose to select most appropriate students for the admission to the various MBA courses.
Stages of Counselling:
• The Counselling of Odisha JEE MBA 2023 will be held only once and, therefore, the students need to attend the same as per the official schedule. It is the duty of the students to keep them updated with the official dates.
• Several stages are associated with this counselling procedure and the detailed description of each stage is mentioned here.
• Stage 1: Registration: This is the first stage of the counselling in which the students need to register them by selecting the appropriate course and then enter roll number and date of birth. The students are advised not to disclose this information to anyone. 
• Stage 2: Choice Filling and Locking: This is the second stage of the counselling procedure. After the successful registration, the students have to click on the fill choices button. The candidates are advised to read the instructions carefully. The screen contains two blocks. The left block contains the list of colleges and branches. The right block will contain the choices filled by the student. The choice filling is the one – time facility. The students can select as many choices as possible on the priority. If the students are satisfied by the choices then he can lock the same. Soon after clicking the locking button, an OTP will be sent to the student’s registered mobile number. He has to enter that password in the space provided and their choices will be locked. It should be noted that once the choices have been locked, it cannot be changed or unlocked under any circumstance. 
• Stage 3: Counselling Fee payment: The next step of the Odisha JEE MBA Counselling 2023 is the counselling fee payment. The students will have to pay the counseling fee of Rs 5450 before reporting at the nodal centers.  The students who will not pay the fee are not allowed to attend the document verification round and will be out of the process.
• Stage 4: Document Verification at the nodal center: Next step is the document verification round. The students need to report the nodal center with one set of original documents and another set of self – attested photocopy of the documents. 
• Stage 5: Temporary seat position: Another step of the counselling procedure is the temporary seat position. This seat position will be intimated through SMS to the student’s mobile number. The students are advised not to report to the allotted institution as this is not the final one. In the auto up gradation system, the seats will remain as such or he/ she will be promoted to the upper choice. In the case, the students desired to withdraw from the Odisha JEE MBA Counselling 2023 then he can go to the nodal center where their documents are submitted within the specified dates. 
• Stage 6: Final Seat Allotment: The last and the final stage of the counselling procedure is the final seat allotment round. At this stage, the students will get the final seats. Their seats will also be intimated through the SMS on their registered mobile number. The students can download their final allotment letter and then report to the allotted institution with the letter and fee deposit slip.