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Your search for the best colleges for part time MBA in Hyderabad rightly ends here. These colleges are known for the highest standards of academic excellence coupled with student support services. The most popular MBA specialization offered by these colleges include marketing, operations, system, finance, human resources and IT. Click and discover the best colleges for part time MBA in Hyderabad 2023 and find all the information you may need about these college's right from admission to placement.
Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE)
Deccan School of Management
Aurora Business School
International Institute for Insurance and Finance (IIIF)
The Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE) was incorporated for the study of issues and policies relating to public enterprises (PEs).
Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE) Courses Offered
Address :
Osmania University Campus,
Hyderabad - 500 007,
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Tel: +91 - 40 - 2709 8938 / 7445 / 8145