The official authority will organize the counselling procedure for the qualified students as per the official schedule. The counselling will be held only once and the students need to attend the same as per the official dates. The
Punjab MET Counselling 2023 is usually organized in the month of June every year. The students will be called on the basis of the combined category – wise result. The Punjab MET is organized with the purpose to select the students for the next round of selection. The final merit list will be prepared by considering the student’s performance in all rounds of the selection.
Punjab MET Counselling 2023 – Stages of Counselling:
• The official authority will conduct the counselling procedure for the qualified students so as to provide them final admission to the various management courses.
• The students should stick to the official schedule as the counselling will be held only once. The candidates need to get updated with the official dates as once the dates have been passed, the students will be unable to get admission.
• There are several stages which are associated with the Punjab MET Counselling 2023. These stages are explained here for the students.
• Stage 1: Registration: The qualified students will have to register them first for the counselling purpose. Registration should be done within the specific time duration. All the details entered in this stage should be correct and genuine.
• Stage 2: Choice Filling and Locking: The second stage of the counselling procedure is the choice filling and locking. In this stage, the students need to enter their preferred choices regarding the courses. The students are advised to keep the most preferred choice on the first number and then other choices as per priority. Choice filling is the one – time facility. If the students will be satisfied with the choices then he can lock them. No alteration shall be made in the choices once after locking them.
• Stage 3: Seat Allotment round: Next and the final round of the
Punjab MET Counselling 2023 is the seat allotment round in which the final seats will be allotted to the qualified students. The seats will be granted on the basis of the reservation norms, availability of seats, rank in the merit list and choices of the student. Once the seat allotment is done, the students need to verify their documents and pay the required fee.
Punjab MET Selection Procedure 2023 – Detailed Explanation:
• The official authority will prescribe the selection procedure in order to shortlist the students for the final admission.
• The students will have to undergo this two – step process so as to get enrolled in the management courses. The Punjab MET Selection Procedure 2023 is mentioned here for the students.
• Group Discussion Round: The first step of the selection procedure is the group discussion round. Basically, this is the elimination round in which multiple students will be eliminated and only the most deserving students will be selected. In this round, the number of students will be 8 times the number of available seats. For this round, the students must have the good communication skills and the knowledge about the current topics. The students who qualify this round will be called for the next round of selection.
• Personal Interview round: The next round of the Punjab MET Selection Procedure 2023 is the personal interview round. The students will be called for the face to face interview where the soft skills of the students will be tested. Basically, it judges the overall personality of the students and check whether the student is actually fit for admission or not. The personal interview is the final round of selection. Only those students who qualify this round will get the place in the merit list.
• After the selection procedure is over, the official authority will release the final merit list which is prepared by considering the entrance test, GD, and PI.
MET: 85%
GD: 7.5%
PI: 7.5%
Punjab MET or popularly known as the PU MET is one of the renowned management entrance tests. This test is usually conducted in the month of March every year with the purpose to impart admission in the management courses. In order to appear in the entrance test, the students will have the Punjab MET Admit Card 2023 which is issued by the Punjab University. Only the registered students will be able to download this hall ticket.
How to Download?
• The admit card is the official document which will be generated only in the online mode. The students will have to download this document as per the official schedule.
• The students should stick to the official dates regarding its release. Once the dates have been passed, the links will be deactivated and the students will be unable to download this hall ticket.
• The direct link to obtain the Punjab MET Admit Card will be published here soon after its official availability. The students need to click the link so as to reach the admit card official page.
• There, the students will have to submit some of the essential information asked in the online form such as:
Login Id
• On adding these details, the students will be shown a copy of admit card on the display screen. Finally, be pressing the save or download button, the students can save this soft copy on the computer system
• After obtaining the soft copy of the admit card, the students can get it printed and bring on the exam day.
Important Information mentioned on the admit card:
The Admit Card of Punjab MET 2023 will have the following information:
• Name of the student
• Photo and signature of the student
• Category
• Roll number for exam
• Date and time for the MET
• Gender
• Application number
• Reporting time
• Test center’s name and address
• Other exam related instructions
Verification Process:
• It is the prime duty of the students to check the important details mentioned on the admit card. The details should be correct and error – free. The particulars such as the name of the student, date of birth, gender etc should be identical to the ones mentioned on the application form.
• If any kind of flaw is found on the Punjab MET Admit Card then it is the responsibility of the students to contact the official authority and request for the necessary modifications.
• The candidates will be admitted to the test only on the production of the admit card at the test center.