Adhyapana School, Madurai is a coeducational day school affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The school will provide an environment in which every student shall discover and realize his full potential.
Adhyapana School Admissions
Admission is given to candidates strictly on merit basis.
The students for kindergarten are admitted based on personal interactions alone.
Every student from Ist onwards seeking admission, will appear for a written entrance test which will be followed by personal interaction with the admissions committee.
School is spread in a sprawling 4-acre gated campus. Well-ventilated, spacious classrooms with latest equipment in its laboratories and an AV room are designed to meet the pedagogical needs of students. A vast playground with sufficient play material is available to make school a pleasurable experience for pupils.
Adhyapana School Address
Madurai-Dindigul Road, Next to Visthara apartments,
Madurai, Tamil Nadu 625402.
Tel: 099943 68913