Established in the year 1999, Aditya Convent School is administrated by the ‘AdityaMahilaKalyanShikshaSamiti’. It is a co-ed English medium school and is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi Board.The school provides an environment in which every student shall discover and realize his full potential.
Aditya Convent School, Damoh Naka Admissions
Admission is given to candidates strictly on merit basis. The students for kindergarten are admitted based on personal interactions alone.
Well-ventilated, spacious classrooms with latest equipment in its laboratories and an AV room are designed to meet the pedagogical needs of students. A vast playground with sufficient play material is available to make school a pleasurable experience for pupils.
Aditya Convent School, Damoh Naka Address
231, Gopal Vihar, Damoh Naka,
Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh 482002.
Tel: 076123 42323