Apeejay School, Pitampura was started in the year 1990 and is co-educational english medium school located in Delhi. The school offers education from Nursery to XII. At the +2 level the School has two streams Science and Commerce. This school has a congenial and child-friendly environment. It nutures and guides students imparting world class education.
Faculty :- The school is supported by a team of experienced faculty, skilled technical staff and excellent non-teaching staff.
Apeejay School Pitampura Admissions
For admission to Pre-School, a child should be at least 3 years old at the beginning of the session, as per the guidelines of CBSE.
Admissions to Higher Classes are done on the basis of vacancies in a particular class and the child must have passed the previous class from a recognized school affiliated to CBSE.
The school offers lavish infrastructure with all modern amenities like
Library - The school has well stocked library, it has approximately 22,000 books. A wide range of latest fiction, poetry, prose, philosophical books, magazines, comics, newspapers, text-books, audio and video cassettes, CDs, DVDs.
Labs - The school has excellent laboratories such as General Science Lab for primary and middle section of the school, Mathematics Laboratory for clearing mathematical concepts through a variety of activities using, different materials. Physics lab is equipped with all the instruments and gadgets which help the students learn the concepts of Physics, Biology Lab is well equipped with different models of the various systems of the body.
Computer Centre - The school has five computer labs anbd it has the latest Pentium based multimedia machines for providing hands on experience to students from Nursery to XII. There are over 150 computers and two LCD projectors to make teaching and learning an interesting.
Science Park - The school has a well equipped Science Park. There are around 20 different apparatuses based on different phenomenons of Science like like Archimedes Screw, Echo tube, DNA model, Sun Dial, Musical Tubes etc
Auditorium - It is equipped with state of the art sound and light facilities and is used for major school functions, theatre and dance presentations and for guest lectures.
Games & Sports - The school provides sport facilities to the students and provide physical training for each pupil. The school offers both indoor and outdoor games like Table Tennis, Cricket, Basket Ball, Volley Ball, Hand Ball, Kho-Kho, etc.
Apeejay School Pitampura Address
Plot No. 10, Road No. 42
Sainik Vihar, Pitampura
Delhi- 110034
PHONE : (011) 27022140, 27012615
FAX : (011) 27023908
EMAIL: skool.pp.del@apj.edu