Crescent School is a renowned school, formed in the year 1968. It offers syllabus and courses according to IGCSE Board. The School encourages every student to develop his full potential. It helps students to build an all-round development of the personality.
Crescent School Chennai Admissions
Application for admission and the Prospectus can be had from the Principal on payment of Rs. 600/-. The application fee may be paid by cash or through money order or by draft. The DD should be drawn in favour of "Crescent School, Chennai - 600 048." The requisition for application should contain the name, the date of birth and the class to which admission is sought.
Entrance Test :-
The recipients of the Intimation Cards are required to sit for an Entrance Test in the following subjects : English, Mathematics and the Second Language studied in the previous class (Tamil/Hindi/Arabic). The purpose of this test is to check whether the student has the basic knowledge necessary to pursue his studies here.
Subjects for Std. XI Entrance Test :
GR I & II: English, Maths and General Science
GR III & IV : English & Social Studies
Interview :-
The Candidates provisionally selected for admission based on the Entrance Test should appear for an interview with the parents (Father & Mother) on the same day.
The School offers modern facilities for the students which includes a library which has a good collection of books, Well-equipped labs,spacious Computer Centre and Internet Laboratory with browsing facilities.
Crescent School Chennai Address
CHENNAI — 600 048.
PH : 0091-44-22750350, 0091-44-22750351
FAX : 0091-44-22750391