D. A. V. Public School,Sunder Nagar is a co-educational day school affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi. Established in the year 1989 by the D.A.V. College Trust and Managing Committee, the school offers education till class X.
DAV Public School, Sunder Nagar, Mandi Admissions
Parents can collect the registration form from the school office itself.
Dully filled form along with the documents required must be submitted in the office before the last date of the submission given by the school.
Selection is decided depending on the seats available and the merit of the students.
The school consists of Physics Lab., Biology Lab., Chemistry Lab., Computer Lab., Mathematics Lab., Library, Dance Room, Art and Craft Room, Room for Indoor Games, Medical Room and well equipped room with multi-media projectors.
DAV Public School, Sunder Nagar, Mandi Address
VillTamroh, P.O.Chatrokhari,
Sundernagar, Mandi, Himachal Pradesh-175018.
Tel: 01907-267014