Delhi Public School is well-acclaimed school, established in 2003. It is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). This School provides meaningful education, to a large number of children. It is one of the best K-12 institutions in western India. It motto is to achieve high standards of education.
Faculty : - The School has a faculty strength of more than one hundred highly qualified, knowledgeable and experienced teachers.
Delhi Public School Pune Admissions
To know about the admission to the school kindly contact with the school.
The School consists of modern facilities like well-lit airy classrooms, outdoor theatre, swimming pool, cafeteria, spacious courtyards for indoor games, computer labs, resource centers, cafeteria, and a fully equipped gymnasium.
Delhi Public School Pune Address
Delhi Public School,
Vill: Mohammadwadi,
Nyati County,
Pune - 411 060.
fax :- 020 - 26970418, 26970428