• Affiliated Board : CBSE
    Website : www.dooninternational.com/
    Contact Details : Sector 69, S.A.S. Nagars Mohali, PUNJAB INDIA Ph : 0172-2216700,2216842,2216620 Fax: 2216842 email: dismohali@rediffmail.com

Doon International School guides students helping them to outshine in their career. It offers curriculum and syllabus according to Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E).This School caters to the needs of students from all parts of the world and prepares them in the accordance of the country and abroad.It  provides high quality holistic education in an inspiring learning environment.


Doon International School Admissions

CLICK HERE to know about the school admission process.

School Fee
The fee for the entire year is payable in advance. All relevant information is available in the school prospectus, which may be obtained by writing to the school admissions office.


Facilities which is offered by the school are State-of-the-art Science, Maths, Social Studies laboratories,  well equipped library,  Gymnasium, Auditorium equipped with the latest sound technology and huge Class rooms.

Doon International School Address

Sector 69, S.A.S. Nagars
Mohali, PUNJAB
Ph : 0172-2216700,2216842,2216620
Fax: 2216842
email: dismohali@rediffmail.com




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    Doon International School Dance