Guru Nanak Khalsa Sr. Secondary School is CBSE affiliated, co-educational; Govt. aided School of a rich reputation. School was established in the auspicious day of Baisakhi in the year 1965. The students at Guru Nanak Khalsa Sr. Secondary School are given freedom of self expression and are encouraged to think for themselves.
Guru Nanak Khalsa Senior Secondary School Admissions
Admission form for any of the section will be available in the school office itself. Parents need to collect it between the registration dates decided by the school authority.
Admission is done on the basis of Interviews and written test.
The School has large open spaces as well as appropriately planned building and providing ample space for outdoor as well as indoor activities. The laboratory is equipped with materials needed to help the students from concept through meaningful and relevant activities.
Guru Nanak Khalsa Senior Secondary School Address
Sector 30-B, Chandigarh - 160 030.
Tel: +91-172-2654593, 2654693,
Fax: -91-172-2654993