Managed by the Axila Welfare Society, Kingcup Public School is a co-educational day school dedicated to the pursuit of excellence. School prepares children to appear for the CBSE Board examination and aims to provide a holistic education and has comprehensive facilities to develop the child's all-round personality.
Kingcup Public School Admissions
School offers admissions to Preschool, Std I to IX subject to the availability of seats and eligibility.
Parents who wish to apply for admission should obtain the brochure and application form in person from school office or through online process.
Admission is through an interaction. The admission test will be conducted at school campus and parents will be intimated of the date and time.
School campus has been modeled to facilitate the finest educational services and enhance all-round development of children. All classrooms are colorful, aesthetically designed and technically formulated for a learning atmosphere. Ground is rich and spacious enough. Other facilities are library, labs, transportation, etc.
Kingcup Public School Address
Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh 791111.
Tel: 01234 567 890