It is one of the premier institution which is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education. The School provides high quality holistic education in an inspiring learning environment that maximizes the potential of each individual to become a responsible global citizen. The School provides grades from 1 to 12, and is divided into four houses Raman, Shivaji, Tagore and Vivekananda.
Kola Perumal Chetty Vaishnav Senior Secondary School Admissions
The school is co-educational admitting both boys and girls to all standards without consideration of caste, creed, community or social status.
The student seeking admission has to remit Rs.200/- in the school office to obtain the prescribed application form. Such forms, filled in by the parents/guardians, must be submitted for registration together with the necessary certificates before the due date. The applicant is given a test and based on the performance, he/she is admitted to the standard found fit.
Admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right. Principal can refuse admission to an applicant without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Applicants from recognised schools must produce transfer, conduct or any other certificate required by the school. These certificates must be countersigned by the Inspector of Schools if they had been issued by schools situated in states other than Tamil Nadu. Students of CBSE schools should get the counter signature of the CBSE Dy.Secy. Chennai in their TC's.
A student offering any of the 3 languages viz. Hindi/Tamil/Sanskrit in Std. IX should have studied the same upto Std. VIII.
Candidates seeking admission to the XI standard must have passed the X standard of the All India Secondary School Examination or Matriculation of Statutory Universities or the SSC Examination of any State Board of Secondary Education.
The candidates must have undergone 10 years of formal education in an English Medium School to become eligible for admission.
The minimum age prescribed for admission to the XI standard is 15 years 6 months as on 1st June of the year in which admission is sought. This may be relaxed in special cases by the Chairman, CBSE, New Delhi.
Those seeking Science group must have secured 60% marks in Science and Maths besides opting for English as a core subject.
The selected candidates should produce the following certificates in original at the time of admission.
Transfer Certificate
Conduct Certificate
Mark List of the last Examination passed i.e. X Std. and
Pass Certificate from the Board/University.
Community Certificate.
The school has Cricket and Foot Ball fields, Volley Ball and Badminton Courts and are encouraged to practice Yoga and play Table Tennis, Tenni-cut, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi etc.
Kola Perumal Chetty Vaishnav Senior Secondary School Address
No - 815, Periyar EVR Salai ,
Chennai - 600106