The School is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and it is being the top institution in the state of Tamil Nadu.It provides value and skill based, integrated education to its students. This School provides the students personal counselling that helps them to overcome their individual obstacles on their way to success.
Faculty : - The School has well experienced and committed faculty which helps their students in all the way.
Clubs : - The various clubs like Literary Music, Arts and Crafts and Science Clubs.
Kola Saraswathi Vaishnav Senior Secondary School Admissions
Admisison to this school is been done on the basis of Interview.
The School has modern facilities for the children which includes library provides open access to a large collection of books, Well equipped Science Laboratories, well equipped indoor auditorium and Audio Visual labs.
Kola Saraswathi Vaishnav Senior Secondary School Address
41, Barnaby Road,
Chennai - 600 010
Phone: 044 - 26411512