Locdolf High School is a school following the CBSE pattern. It has at present classes from Jr.K.G. to STD X. It aims to impart quality education at reasonable cost to the boys and girls of all communities without any discrimination.
Locdolf High School, Haveri Admissions
Admission to school is open to all categories of students.
Parent / Guardians seeking admission for their wards can write or contact school to Know about the school and for application and prospectus.
Student will be selected on the basic of their capabilities beside the general & specific criteria. The merit list of candidates, provisionally selected for admission will be displayed on the notice board.
The school offers following facilities to the students:
• Smart & Spacious classrooms
• Canteen
• Library
• Transport Facility
• Laboratories
• Play Ground
Locdolf High School, Haveri Address
Vijaya Nagar Badavane, Haveri,
Hubli, Karnataka - 581110.
Tel: (0837) 5235473