• Affiliated Board :
    Website : http://www.siragu.org/
    Contact Details : Palavedu Pettai (via IAF Avadi), Chennai - 600 055, Tamilnadu, India. Tel: +91 44 2551 4822 / +91 44 4280 9293

Siragu Montessori School is a unit of Suyam started in June 2003. It was started especially for children of the scheduled tribes. Siragu started not only for street children but also for children from brick chambers and from various parts of the society.

Siragu Montessori School Admissions

The application will have to be made Online between the registration dates given by the school.


Montessori Class Room fosters a child friendly atmosphere with spacious area. Furniture like tables, chairs, shelves etc., is child-sized. There is a library corner, snack corner, culture shelf in each room and children are free to move around the room, and to work on a piece of material as long as needed.

Siragu Montessori School Address

Palavedu Pettai (via IAF Avadi),
Chennai - 600 055, Tamilnadu, India.
Tel: +91 44 2551 4822 / +91 44 4280 9293


