Strawberry Fields World School (SFWS) is sited at sector 26, Chandigarh amidst a picturesque backdrop. The school was promoted under the aegis of Durga Das Foundation, a non-profit and philanthropic organization. It is a co-educational day school offering education from kindergarten to class XII.
Strawberry Fields World School Admissions
Registration form for admission can be downloaded from our website or collected from the school from November.
The form duly filled, must be submitted in the school office by or before December from 10.00 a.m. and 12 noon.
List of children who have been granted admission for KG will be displayed on the school's notice board.
Admission to other classes is subject to there being a vacancy.
The School consists of amazing infrastructural facilities for the students which comprise well maintained classroom equipped with smart board, Laboratories, well stocked library with a vast collection of books and the playground.
Strawberry Fields World School Address
Sector 26, Chandigarh - 160 019, India.
Tel: +91 172 279 5903/ 5904