Treamis World School, Bangalore is a Kindergarten to 12th grade, co-educational day and boarding international school located near Electronics City in Bangalore, India. Treamis offers integrated curriculum in the primary and middle schools and a choice between (CBSE, India) and IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) curricula in the high school.
Treamis World School Admissions
Parents interested in taking admission in the school for their ward for Play-Group, Junior KG and Senior KG can collect the form from the school office available after the second week of November.
Admission for other classes depends on vacancies, arising due to withdrawal of students.
Only Application Forms procured from the School Office will be considered if vacancies arise.
The school is spread over a huge campus providing all kind of facilities to the students which includes well designed classrooms to huge auditorium for cultural activities, big sports ground to transportation and many more. The school has separate residential facilities for boys and girls.
Treamis World School Address
Treamis World School,
near Electronics City,
Hulimangala Post,
Bangalore South - 560105.
Tel: +91 (80) 2783 9651