Vidya Dayini Model High School was started in the year 1981. The school is recognized officially by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The school follows the S.S.C course of the Government of A.P. Ever since those first few steps it has been a forward march led by noble and farsighted educationists.
Vidya Dayini High School Yadagiri Nagar Admissions
Parents can download the registration form from the school’s official website or can collect it from the school office itself.
Dully filled form along with the documents required must be submitted in the office before the last date of the submission given by the school.
Admission will be done on the merit basis and an interview conducted by the school authority.
The School has good infrastructure like well ventilated classroom, scientific laboratories and a beautiful campus. Students can enjoy various sports activities in playground.
Vidya Dayini High School Yadagiri Nagar Address
Plot No 32, Road No 3,
Yadagiri Nagar, Opp Santosh Nagar,
Hyderabad - 500059.
Tel: O4O – 24530353, 9989926885