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  • JEE Main Preparation Tips

    Here you will get JEE Main Preparation Tips, Tricks and Techniques to cracking JEE Main Exam.

    Just like other entrance exams, you need to put in serious efforts to clear the JEE Main exam. Scoring well is the key to get admission in best of colleges. Adopt these tips to prepare in the best way for the exam.

    Set Goals: Set some goals like completing certain amount of chapters or topics every day. This will help you to stay focus and on track to be prepared on time.

    Revise: Since you would have studied Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics for 10+2 exams, it will be easy to revise.

    Practice: The often repeated advice is true for this exam as well. The more you practice; the fear of the subjects will go away.

    Take good rest: Get rid of anxiety and nervousness by taking good sleep before the exam day. Even during practice sessions give yourself good break so that you can refocus well.

    Time Management: It is important to know which subject is your plus point and which is minus point. This will help you manage your time in actual exam as you will know which section to solve first.


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