Given below is the information on MPSC Exam 2023 Application Form and Registration Procedure.
Apply ONLINE on for MPSC 2019 Registration.
Candidate should keep ready following document -
A) Mobile No: – Valid mobile no is required for registration of user in the system.
B) Email ID: – Valid Email ID is required for registration of user in the system.
C) Documents: (Photograph & Signature)
– Scanned copy of photograph in JPEG/JPG format Max size 50kb (Dimensions: breadth 3.5 cms * height 4.5 cms)
– Scanned copy of signature in JPEG/JPG format Max size 50kb (Dimensions: breadth 3.5 cms * height 1.5 cms)
Application Process Steps -
1 New User Registration / Create User Account (1st time user)
2 Profile Creation (One time activity)
3 Application Submission
4 Payment of Application Fees
5 Centre Selection (only in case of Competitive Examination)
Mode of Payment -
Online Payment - Debit Card, Credit Card, Online Banking
Maha-e-Seva Kendra - Take print out of the Paying Slip and go to nearest Maha-e-Seva kendra for application fees payment.
Paying slip is not receipt of exam fees payment. Candidate has to take proper receipt of payment made by the him from Maha-e-Seva Kendra operator
Bank Challan (SBI) - Candidate should take print out of the Challan and after 2-3 hrs, pay the fees in nearest SBI branch.
After successful payment, Payment status of Examination will get change to Paid.
In case of SBI Bank Challan, 48 hrs time is required to get status updated as Paid.
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