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  • NATA Books

    Below you will find NATA 2023 Preparation Books, Recommended and Suggested Books for NATA Exam.

    NATA is a tricky exam and it needs really good books to prepare. We have listed some of them for your reference.

    - K.P. Basu - Algebra Made Easy
    - DoroFeev, Patapov - Elementary Math's
    - Krechmar - Math's
    - G.N. Berman - A Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis
    - W. Feller - Intro. to Probability & its Applications.
    - R. S. Agarwal - Maths XI & XII
    - S.L. Loni - Plane Trigonometry Part I
    - S.L. Loni - Co-ordinate Geometry
    - Hall & Knight - Higher Algebra
    - A. Maron - Problems in Calculus of One Variable
    - Vectors & 3-D Geometry - Arihant Prakashan
    - V Govorov, P.Dybov, N.Miroshin, S.Smirnova. - Problems in Mathematics
    - Bernard & Child - Higher Algebra
    - Dr. Gorakh Prasad - Co-ordinate Geometry


    NATA Preparation Tips

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