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The cutoff is known as the minimum marks which the students should obtain in the integrated common entrance test so as to qualify the same. There will be the different cutoff for different levels of selection. The TSICET Cutoff 2020 will be released along with the result. The students can check the cutoff marks here soon after its availability. 

About the Exam:
• Telangana state integrated common entrance test commonly known as TSICET is organized by the Kakatiya University, Warangal. 
• This test is scheduled in the month of May 2020 for the students who wish to get admission in the MBA and MCA courses.
About the Cutoff:-
• In order to select the most deserving students for the admission, the official authority will release the cutoff marks.
• Basically, it is the minimum scores which the students should obtain in the entrance test so as to be considered as qualified.
• For each level of admission, the exam body will release different cutoff marks.
Need for Cutoff:
• A large number of students take this exam every year with the purpose to get enrollment in the universities and colleges of Telangana state. But it is true that the seats are quite limited and less than the number of exam takers. 
• In order to limit the students for the next round of selection, the authority will set a benchmark in the form of TSICET Cutoff 2020.
• Only those students who will score more than the cutoff marks will be considered as qualified and get the place in the merit list.
Influential Factors:-
• As the cutoff marks serve as the basic selection criteria for the students, therefore, extreme care is taken while releasing the same.
• Various important aspects will be taken into consideration while announcing the cutoff marks.
• These influential factors greatly affect the cutoff marks as a small alteration in these factors can cause a drastic change in the TSICET Cutoff 2020.
• For the sake of simplicity, some of the influential factors are listed here:
Previous year cutoff marks
Marking scheme
Complexity of the exam
Number of exam takers
Availability of seats
Lowest and average scores in the exam
Reservation of seats
Performance of the students in the test
Qualifying Marks:
• The official authority i.e. Kakatiya University has prescribed the minimum qualifying marks for the students.
• The students will have to score 25% marks (50 marks out of 200) so as to qualify the exam.
• However, for the students belonging from SC/ ST, no minimum qualifying percentage of marks will be prescribed.