• HomeTop ICSE Schools in Goa
(5 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)

Below you will find Top ICSE Schools in Goa 2023, List of Best ICSE Board Schools in Goa.
List of ICSE Schools in Goa:-
• Mater Dei Institution, Sali Gao Bardez South Goa-403 511
• St. Andrew's School, Behind St. Andrew's Church Vasco-da-Gama South Goa-403802

  • Sharada Mandir

    Sharada Mandir School, Panaji was established in the year 1966 and was the first school in Goa to be affiliated with the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination, or the ICSE board.

    Sharada Mandir Admission Procedure

    Address : Miramar Panaji, Goa - 403001. Tel: +91-832-2463401/ 2463403