• HomeTop MBA Colleges in Coimbatore
(5 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)

Given below is the list of Top MBA Colleges in Coimbatore 2023. Coimbatore abounds in choice in terms of colleges and institutes for the study of MBA. Consisting of private institutes and government colleges, these colleges are known for various PGDM specializations. Admission to these colleges is based on CAT, MAT, CMAT, XAT and TANCET score. The city has a cluster of colleges which may put you in a spot especially if you opting for one.

List of Top 10 MBA Colleges in Coimbatore 2023:-

1. PSG Institute of Management
2. Karunya School of Management (KSM)
3. PSG College of Technology
4. Amrita School of Business
5. GRG School of Management Studies (GRGSMS)
6. Jansons School of Business (JSB)
7. Park Global School of Business Excellence
8. RVS Institute of Management Studies & Research
9. Coimbatore Institute of Management and Technology
10. Avinashilingam Institute For Home Science and Higher Education For Women