• HomeTop Science Colleges in Rajasthan
(4 out of 5 based on 1 Ratings)

Given below is the list of Top Science Colleges in Rajasthan 2022 with ranking for BSc and MSc Courses.

List of Top 10 Science Colleges in Rajasthan 2022:-

1. University Maharani College Jaipur
2. SS Jain Subodh College Jaipur
3. Bhagwant University Ajmer
4. JB International College Jaipur
5. SRD Modi College for Women Kota
6. Kanoriya PG Mahila Mahavidyalaya Jaipur
7. Alankar Mahila PG Mahavidyalaya Jaipur
8. Government College Kota
9. Lachoo Memorial College of Science and Technology Jodhpur
10. Dayanand College Ajmer

  • International College for Girls

    The International College for Girls (ICG), a pioneer institution for women education, was founded in the year 1995 as an affiliated college to the University of Rajasthan.

    International College for Girls Courses Offered

    Address : ICG Campus, Gurukul Marg, SFS, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302 020, (Raj.) India Tel. No.: +91-141-2400160, 2397906,2397907 Fax: +91 - 2395494, 2781158