• HomeUPSEE MBA Counselling
(2 out of 5 based on 3 Ratings)

Soon after the declaration of result, the official authority i.e. AKTU will organize the counselling procedure. It is conducted with the purpose to offer admission to the qualified students. It is expected that the UPSEE MBA Counselling 2023 will be organized in the month of June 2023. Only the shortlisted candidates who have their names in the merit list are eligible to participate in the counseling procedure. 
About the Exam:
• UPSEE MBA is one of the leading and reputed entrance examinations which is usually scheduled in the month of April every year.
• The entrance exam is conducted with the purpose to offer admission to the various management courses.
Detailed Description:-
• The counselling will be held in the various rounds such as the main round, special round, additional special counselling round etc.
• The students will be called as per their rank in the merit list. The upper – rank students will be called first for the seat allotment. 
• There are several stages associated with the UPSEE MBA Selection Procedure. The detailed description of these stages is mentioned here for the candidates.
Stage 1: Registration:-
• The students need to register them by using the registration number and password which is created at the time of online form submission.
• All the qualified candidates should fulfill the eligibility criteria.
• At the time of registration, the students will have to pay the registration fee through credit or debit card.
• The registration fee is Rs 20,000 for general category students and Rs 12,000 for SC/ ST candidates respectively.
• One should pay the registration fee as early as possible so as to avoid the inconvenience.
Stage 2: Choice filling and locking:
• The next stage of the counselling procedure is the choice filling and locking round.
• The available seats will be displayed on the screen and the students can fill their choices as per their preferences.
• Once after filling the choices, the students can lock the same.
Stage 3: Document Verification:
• The next stage of the UPSEE MBA Counselling is the document verification round.
• The students need to verify their important documents by reporting at any of the document verification centers.
Stage 4: Allotment result and confirmation of seats:
• The last and the final stage of the counseling is the allotment result and the confirmation of seats.
• The seats will be allotted on the basis of the preferred choice, the rank of the candidate and availability of seat at that rank.
Once after the seat allotment is done, three options will be available to the students and they can use any one of the options:
• Option 1: Freeze
The students who will be satisfied with the allotted seat and do not want any up gradation are required to opt for this option. The registration fee of the students will be adjusted against the institute fee at the time of admission.
• Option 2: Float
Those candidates who wish to confirm the presently allotted seat and at the same time want to be considered for up gradation are required to select this float option. 
• Option 3: Withdraw
Those students who are not satisfied with the presently allotted seat and do not consider for any up gradation are required to choose this withdraw option. 
Important Point:
• Those students who will not get the seat will have to select any of the float or withdraw options.
• If such candidates will not select any of the options for the specific limit of time then he will be treated to have opted for the float option and automatically considered for the next round of the counselling procedure.