• Established In : 2009
    Affiliated To : UGC
    Website : http://www.cukerala.ac.in/
    Address : Central University of Kerala Vidyanagar (PO), Kasaragod (DT), Kerala - 671123 INDIA Phone: + 91 4994 256420 Fax: +91 4994 257 033

Believing strongly that "Knowledge is eternal" the Central University of Kerala was formed in 2009 under the Central Universities Act in the northern most district of Kasargod. Today this university is an educational identity of the region. Central University of Kerala offers post-graduate programmes in faculties of science, arts & humanities, commerce, social work and education. These programmes follow choice based credit system programme. Each semester of study is spread over a duration of 16 to 18 weeks with five working days and 30 hours of instruction. The programme of study and research leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) of the Central University of Kerala may be pursued in a Department of the University or in a research institution recognized by the University for the purpose. CUK is also known for its strong student services that sums the features of this central university. Admission to various programmes is based on score in CUCET exam.

Three key features of Central University of Kerala

* Student Support Services
* Innovation and quality in teaching
* Entrance test for admission


Central University of Kerala Admission 2022-23 -



Central University of Kerala
Vidyanagar (PO), Kasaragod (DT),
Kerala - 671123
Phone: + 91 4994 256420
Fax: +91 4994 257 033

Central University of Kerala Notifications:
